Amazing Fantasy #1000

Marvel ⋅ 2022

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Key Facts

Reintroduction of the Witch Queen

1st appearance of Conspiriton, a villain who induces fear with hallucinogens

Issue Details




Jim Cheung


Kurt Busiek

Cover Artist

John Romita Jr.


August 2022


JUST SOME GUY / SINISTER 60TH / SPIDER-MAN VS. CONSPIRITON / THE KID'S GOT A GOOD EYE / IN THE FLESH / SLAVES OF THE WITCH-QUEEN / YOU GET IT / WITH GREAT POWER... / ALONG CAME A RHINO... The comic that brought you SPIDER-MAN hits issue #1000! We’re going big to celebrate in this, our thousandth issue of AMAZING FANTASY! An ALL-STAR roster of creators are coming together to celebrate Peter Parker and Spider-Man’s birthdays!

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